Front-End Engineering Grads of Fall 2016
I'm here to chew bubble gum and write code that impacts and improves the world... and I'm all out of bubble gum.
Recovering Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Educational Administrator, and Educational Consultant. I enjoy hiking and snowshoeing with my wife.
I'm excited to join the wild world of web development.
talk is cheap, show me the code. if (!=tired()) { keepCoding();} else { drinkCoffee();} Ready to contribute to the world of developing.
Loving JavaScript / ES6, React, FlexBox, and Angular!
<ng-awesome ng-if=”coffee”>
Awesome {code} here </ng-awesome>
(function trevorRapp ( ) { while (awake) { return code( ) })( );
Crazy about flexibility and Flexbox! When I'm not coding, I'm running away with the circus.
I'm coming to development from an accounting and management background, and having a blast making the switch. I love Mondays!